/i World map Ocean Blue Area open for sales
I have already mapped the /i World map with Qora's native QNS-style NFTs, which can be purchased and resold in the QNS market within the Qora blockchain software. Since Qora is still a relatively less popular blockchain (but very powerful, try it!), I had to put in some hard work. I created 800 NFTs, each link to a /i World map, with the ability to edit the link content via QNS ownership, on OpenSea.
My approach was quite simple. I used the custody service provided by my company, AITWAY, to temporarily assist OpenSea users manage Qora's QNS until they set up their own Qora accounts before taking over the link content modification work.
The 800 NFTs cover various categories, including countries, islands, cities, town and more. The vast blue ocean is left empty without any links. My puzzle concept is to calculate the position on any square screen slowly, using GPS [X: Y]. Starting from the top left corner, the minimum unit horizontally for X is 0.1%, and vertically down for Y is 0.4%. GPS [0.1%: 0.4%] represents the top left corner, while GPS [100%: 100%] is the bottom right corner. If you want to cover a horizontal line with several units, Y remains constant. GPS [1%: 0.4%] to GPS [2%: 0.4%] is 10 units, and so on. One unit is exchanged for 1M Timah. There are two examples for reference, one for the Caribbean Sea and one for the South China Sea.
< a href="https : // yawti.com" title="https : // yawti.com">< /a >
Link type : External link
Can be any website in the world, include IPFS and Sia Skynet.
Max "title" content : 25 characters.
HTML code : < a href="/0x" title="/0x Unit[X:Y] for sale!">< /a >
Link Type : QNS Link ( yes, it is internal link, but better call it QNS link.)
The QNS (Qora Naming Service) name "/0x," like an ICANN .com or .org domain name, can be used for the entire Qora universe. It can be applied to all localhost (, any IP address, and any domain name with the Qora gateway service, http: // /0x or http: // qora.co.uk/0x , exactly like the function of a subfolder on the ICANN website.
Advantages of using QNS: You can resell it via the Qora QNS DEX market, just like an NFT.
The content of the QNS /i World map is still controlled by its owner, and he/she has the right to remove improper links.
1unit = GPS[0.1% : 0.4%]
1M Timah or TIM/ or YAWTI per Unit (about $1 only)
中文 Chinese Version
/i map 拼圖已經有 Qora 原生 QNS式的 NFT,在區塊鏈軟件裡的 QNS 市場可以認購和轉賣。由於 Qora 目前還是冷門區塊鏈,我不得不下點苦工,在 OpenSea 創造了 800 個各自有權賦予地圖 link 內容的 NFT,我的辦法相當簡單,用本小公司公司提供託管服務,暫時幫忙 OpenSea 用戶託管 Qora 的 QNS,直到他們自己開設 Qora 戶口才接手更改內容的工作。
Nov 4, 2023 9:15:29 PM800 個 NFT,國家,島嶼,城市,極地,等等等,蔚藍的海洋還空著,沒放任何 link。我的拼圖概念,是靠任何方形 screen 的位置慢慢“算,GPS[X :Y], 最左邊上角, 橫向 X 最小單位是 0.1%,直下 Y 是0.4%,GPS [0.1% : 0.4%] ,最右邊下角,是GPS [100% : 100%],如果要橫向一條線幾個單位,Y 是不變的,GPS[1%:0.4%] to GPS[2% : 0.4%] 是 10 個單位,以此類推,一個單位用 1M Timah 換。加勒比海和南中國海分別有兩個列子共參考。
Per unit rate update
10M Timah or TIM/ or YAWTI per Unit (about $10 only)
Mar 19, 2024 5:14:28 PM